There is just one thing that is certain in life, and that is change! And with this seeming conundrum, we can seize the future and improve it. Some things stay the same but there are other exciting changes for 2024.
2024 is the 50 th year (although the 49th instance) of Scottish Series. Roddy Angus has taken on the management of this event with great passion. The changes for this year are the introduction of autonomous marks, which should help overcome the problems of Mark Laying in Loch Fyne; the addition of a novice class to encourage more people to come racing; and a drive to encourage more boats to come to Tarbert. We look forward to seeing you from 23 to 27 May, and you will find the link to the Scottish Series on the Main Menu above.
Clyde Cruising Club used to be two entities. Publications, which handles the Sailing Directions with Imray, was its own Company. However, with the Club itself being incorporated, this was seen as wasteful. Publications has been integrated back into the main Club with the Editor of the Sailing Directions becoming a Director of Clyde Cruising Club Limited. The new Editor is your former Commodore, Geoff Crowley, who takes over from Edward Mason. And in this change, we ensure continuity. And please submit your observations to help improve these valuable publications.
The Dinghy Section has an exciting programme planned for the season. It all starts with rerigging on 9 March, and once the boats are in the water, there is the selection of training (novices and improvers), racing (one of the best ways to improve your skills) and the ever-popular summer school, which finishes with the Carnie Cup. And if you are not sure what it is about, join the open day on 27 April. Bardowie will be buzzing over the summer, and members can book online to share in the fun.
And by no means least, and in keeping with our name, there is Cruising. Yet again Rear Commodore, Clive Reeves has plenty to keep you involved. There are six races, four muster weekends (possibly with a race involved) and a Cruise in Company (to the Titanic Exhibition in Belfast (6-11 May).
And if you cannot wait and miss your sailing friends, come and join the Winter Meets in the Leonardo Hotel. We have already had a fascinating talk by Bob Shepton on sailing in High Latitudes (Greenland) and we still have further talks on the work of the Ellen McArthur Trust, more on sailing in Greenland from Julian & Alison Cable and a final talk from Ian Nicolson. See the Calendar and book online for the relevant Talk/Lecture. Why not have supper with friends beforehand?
So this is my first welcome letter to our members as Commodore. It is a privilege to hold the role, and I hope from the above that you will see that the Club has plenty of activity for its members. And if not a member, do consider joining us to have fun on and off the water.
David Denholm
February 2024