The CCC Annual
The Annual
Clyde Cruising Club (CCC) publishes a yearly journal: "The CCC Annual". This combines embers cruising logs, stories, articles and photographs all submitted by members from their experiences of previous years. It also includes other information which will enhance the enjoyment of the waters of the West and North Coasts of Scotland.
There are prizes for the best logs, stories and images (photographs and paintings or sketches).
The Editors of the Annual are looking forward to receiving the details of your cruise (or even cruises) this year. Remember to 'Save' your updates with your boat name before emailing to
The Editor is looking for Cruising Logs and articles entries for this year's Journal by early October this year so get your thinking caps on and get the lap top out and put together a few words to let your friends know where you got to.
Here are the log entry guidelines: (also available as a download below)
Cruising Logs and articles and Photographic Competition
Writing your log? Some Style Guidelines
Help us by following these guidelines when submitting your log. Some dos...
- Write in a chatty and informal style, keeping your sentences short.
- Include the author's name at the end of the log. The author should be a Club Member. If you are a parent or guardian and you are submitting a log for a junior Member (16 and under) please include a covering letter stating that you are happy for the log to be reproduced in the Journal with the name and age of the child.
- Include your contact details including your email address with your log. This is so we can contact you, if necessary for further information or clarification. These de-tails will not be published in the Journal.
- Your log should be in MS Word and any spreadsheets in MS Excel. If possible the font size should be in 12pt and the line spacing one and a half. This makes it easier for the judges and editors to read. The left hand margin should be justified. If you are using Apple software please convert to a Word document before sending in your log.
- Include a mini chart if possible if you are writing about a cruise outside the West of Scotland - this could be a scanned drawing or sketch of your route. Please check for copyright before photo-copying or reproducing an existing chart. If we have space we will try to include any charts we receive but they may be redrawn.
- Include an interesting title, for example, 'Lintie's winter in the Marquesas' is more interesting than 'Lintie's summer cruise'. You should also include the yacht name (in italics), type of yacht, any distinguishing aspect (for example, self tacking jib), length overall (LOA) in metres, owner(s) and crew names.
- Include paragraphs or section headings to help break up the page. Keep the headings short and do them in bold. Headings may include the date or dates of a specific part of the journey and location.
- Include captions with your photographs. Include the yacht name and location and perhaps the activity. For example, Lintie: lunch off Gigha.
- Include your best photographs. We will select about eight photographs (with cap-tions). Your photographs must be high resolution and in digital format sent as a .jpg, .tif or .gif or on a memory stick. The way to check the resolution is to blow the picture up 400% and if the picture pixilates then it is not going to be good enough! Please do not embed your photographs in the text but send them separately to the text file. It might be easier to send photos as attachments in several emails, or download to a CD or to a USB.
- Your log must be no longer than 2,500 to 3,000 words. Please tell us how many words are in the log. Logs which are longer than 2,500 to 3,000 words may be edit-ed. On occasion we may accept more words - up to 4,500 - for an adventure further afield or one to a part of the world unknown and of interest to CCC members. Please check with the editorial team if you are unsure.
- Please ensure when you are submitting your log, narrative, mini charts and photographs that they are not in breach of copyright
All logs are subject to the editing process and the Editor's decision is final. Please don't be defamatory or harshly critical about other yachts and their crews or the services used by them. Members cruising in company may submit one or more logs. However only one may be printed in the Journal.
Other articles for the Annual...
- Obituaries We will try to include information about Club Members' deaths if we have been notified, however we have limited space and it is not always possible to include narrative about all Members. Please include the name of the Club Member, their years of birth and death, age at death, membership status, a photo, and if appropriate include a narrative of perhaps 400-500 words and the name of the obituary writer. If you are unsure please check with the editor before submitting the narrative.
- Interesting articles - Maybe you have dug up something from the CCC's history or found an underrated anchorage - we would like to hear from you.
- Video logs - we welcome these. They may be posted on the CCC website and a summary of the log included in the Annual. We will publish details of how to enter your video log on the website.
Some style pointers which may help you when you are writing your log:
- Abbreviations Please avoid abbreviations. If you need to use them write the word or words in full first with the abbreviation in brackets and thereafter you can use the abbreviation.
Exceptions to the rule:
- Use kg, km, lb, hrs, nm - do not abbreviate knots to knts
- Do not leave a space between the number and abbreviation for example, 13nm and not 13 nm
- Do write metres in full as it can be confused with nm if abbreviated.
- Force 4 (note capital F) is fine, as is F4 - but please don't mix the two in the same log.
- Dates dates should be written as 30 June 2017. Do not use suffixes for example, 3rd June, 31st July or 30th May 2017
- Highlighting - do not use italics, apart from yacht and ship names or underline; if you need to highlight use bold in a limited way.
- Metric - use the metric system where possible for example, LOA 10.8m. An exception to the rule nautical miles.
- Numbers write numbers ten and under in full unless they include a fraction for example, 5.25. For bigger numbers include commas for example, 54,000 or 1,214,001.
- Points of compass - when abbreviated to a letter or letters they should be in upper case, otherwise lower case for example, a SW wind, a south westerly or going north. Please do not use SW'ly
- Punctuation - do not overuse punctuation such as exclamation marks or brackets unless you feel it is essential.
- Quotation marks - use one set of inverted commas, not two. 'It is simpler and clearer.'
- Start of sentences - one space please between the first letter of a new sentence and the preceding sentence's full stop.
- Time - use the 24 hour clock with a colon in middle, for example 12:05.
- Upper and lower case - use lower case wherever possible. Use upper case for the first letter of a sentence and the first letter of proper nouns such as names. Do not use all upper case particularly in titles and headings, for example, in a title
- 'Island hopping in the Hebrides' is better than 'ISLAND HOPPING IN THE HEBRIDES' or 'Island Hopping in The Hebrides.'
- Wind force - it is preferable to use a capital F, as in Force 4, F4 to F5 from the SSW. If abbreviated there should be no space between the F and the number - see abbreviations above.
- Yacht or ship names write names for submarines, cargo vessels, yachts, Cal-Mac ferries in italics.
Submitting Logs, articles and Photos
All logs and photographs submitted in time will be considered for competition, including the photographic competition (Coruisk Trophy) unless the author requests otherwise. Photographs for the competition may be sent directly to
Particularly for junior logs, the content is much more important than the format. When assessing the cruising competitions the judges are empowered to use their discretion on the terms of each award.
Please email your logs and photos to Bronwen at
Clyde Cruising Club, Clyde Offices, 2nd Floor, 48 West George Street, Glasgow, G2 1BP
Unfortunately, late submission has in past years reduced the number of awards, so please be prompt.
By submitting your logs and images you are agreeing that you own copyright, or have obtained permission from the copyright owner for them to be published in print and be accessible on the web by Clyde Cruising Club and the general public.
Last updated 13:55 on 16 February 2025