The Laird Inter-Schools Sailing Trophy
This event is run by Clyde Cruising Club Dinghy Section at Bardowie Loch. Teams of two from schools from throughout Scotland compete in a one-days series of races using the club's fleet of RS Feva dinghies.
All necessary sailing equipment is supplied, but teams should provide their own waterproof equipment, appropriate footwear, a change of clothes and lifejackets (if possible). All competitors will race for the Laird Trophy, with a separate prize for the best ladies' team entered.
Crews must be ready to race at 10:00am on the day.
All competitors must be under 18 years of age, and at school on 14th September 2024.
Lunch will be available at the clubhouse for competitors, their friends, family and supporters.
Entry is £45 per team; please enter as many teams as you wish, but preference will be given to ensuring that each school has at least one team entered. Should any team not be accepted for entry, a full refund will be issued. The closing date for entries is the 12th September 2024.
Last updated 9:38pm on 19 March 2025