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Home / News / Belfast Cruise in Company

Belfast Cruise in Company

1424567 orig
Published 13:33 on 17 May 2024

CCC Cruise to Titanic 2024

Unlike the CCC cruise in company last year the weather gods were kind to us this year

5 boats departed from various locations-

  • Argento- Jeanneau Sunshine 38-Ken Andrew
  • Lyrebird-Maxi 1000-Clive Reeves
  • Sea Reiver-Elan 40 -Peter Edmond
  • Westbound Adventurer- Sigma 33C-Paul McNeil
  • Allira-Halberg Rassy 43- John Taggart

Tuesday 7th May

Lyrebird& Argento sailed to Loch Ranza in wall to wall sunshine but no wind

Wednesday 8th

to Campbeltown Marina although wind on the nose we had a great sail in sunshine followed by a meal in the evening on Argento

Thursday 9th

to Glenarm Marina more sunshine but little or no wind. All the participants were invited to Lyrebird for a party before dinner. It was great to meet up with everyone and enjoy a few refreshments or two!

Friday 10th

to Bangor Marina

Again in the sunshine but a horrible sea with wind against tide -on the nose again, but managed a great wee sail across Belfast Loch to Bangor.

Invite for dinner on Sea Reiver with Peter exercising his excellent cooking skills, starting with refreshments in the cockpit in wall to wall sunshine and finishing with four Islay malts, a perfect end to a day!!

Saturday 11th to Titanic Exhibition

All crews made for the Titanic most by the train, we went by Taxi! And what a super day we all had, the place was packed with tourists!! If you haven't been it is a fantastic experience, just a pity we have nothing like it here on the Clyde!

We had arranged a meal at the Royal Ulster YC in Bangor where we all met in the evening, made even more enjoyable with a tour of their fantastic clubhouse by club member Rory Flannigan including a view of the Plaque presented to them on behalf of the CCC at their 150th Anniversary in 2016!

And what a great fun evening we all had, Flora was glad of the company with another lady, Anne Taggart

Sunday 12th Bangor to Lamlash ( Kingscross)

As the weather on Tuesday looked wet and windy from the North West? We decided to sail all the way to Arran in the one hop then home on Monday. Wind forecast was light and South east and sunny-it turned out to be North East up to 20 knots? But we had a good sail up to Ailsa Craig when the wind died, motored to Kingscross and anchored beside Sea Reiver, had a quiet night after a long day

Monday 13th -Kingscross to Rhu

Both boats about to leave in a totally calm morning not a breath, tried to start our engine it refused to start despite my efforts!! Hailed Peter who agreed to tow us until we got some wind-the wind never arrived so we were towed all the way to Rhu!!-thanks Peter

A wonderful week despite our engine problem, a big thanks to Ken for organising visits to all Marina's and Titanic and to RUYC for a fantastic meal in their club house and of coarse all the 15 CCC members who made the effort to sail on the cruise

Clive Reeves
CCC Rear Commodore

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Last updated 13:55 on 16 February 2025

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