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In Greenland On Tecla

1376725 orig
Published 15:34 on 7 Mar 2024

On the evening of 06 March Alison Cable entertained the Members of the Club with an illustrated talk of sailing in SW Greenland on Tecla.

Tecla is a former herring drifter built on the River Maas in 1915. Today she sails the world with paying guests and frequently sails in both the Arctic and Antarctic, including the Northwest passage. Alison and Julian Cable were on board for a recent trip from Ilulissat to Nuuk.

The evening covered Ice (well of course it would), Ice Fjords, the flora and fauna and some of the culture and trends of the region. Did you know that glacier ice hisses when used in a Gin & Tonic? Sailing in Higher Latitudes seems to be calms punctuated by storms so there was perhaps more motoring than actual sailing on the trip. There were frequent shore trips throughout the journey.

Alison and Julian are former prizewinners in our log completion and have written on both this trip and their adventures on their miniature gaffer 'Robinetta'. They felt Robinetta was a bit small for a trip to the high latitudes, and the original intention was too go to Iceland by way of the Faroe Islands, but as with so many things COVID intervened.

It was a very enjoyable evening although most were pleased to be in the warmth of the Leonardo Hotel. Rear Commodore Clive Reeves presented Alison with a memento of her log award and a bottle of Jura Whisky. It was good to see many well kent faces at the evening including many former commodores and Christine Taggart.

For more information on Tecla: and for our next Meet on 20 March (which includes the Spring AGM) Ian Nicholson will talk on 'A Yachting Disaster'. Tickets for the talk can be booked here.

Ian's talk will follow the AGM. Bookings for the talk also offer the chance to support our own 'Seamanship & Pilotage Trust'

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Last updated 13:55 on 16 February 2025

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